School Information

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Community Handbook
School Forms Reminders
As a reminder, all school forms are due in full before the first day of school.
Please log into your FACTS account to view all needed medical forms and permission slips. Complete, sign, and submit all forms that are applicable to your student by Friday, August 25, 2023.
Report of Physical Examination/Vaccination Record - for all new students and all students entering kindergarten and grade 6
Report of Private Dental Examination - for all new students and all students entering grade 3 and grade 7
Student Health Status Form - must be completed for any student with a medical condition, including allergies and asthma
Student Emergency/Medical Information (S865) form - must be completed every school year for all students
Required 7th Grade Immunizations - Please note that all students entering grade 7 must also provide proof of immunization, including Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap), as required by Pennsylvania law.
Walking Permission Slip: FFS classes take walking trips to nearby locations such as Overington Park and the Philadelphia Public Library. All students must have this form signed by a guardian before their class begins outings to these and other community locations during the school day. Please note that separate permission slips are sent home when field trips are taken to locations further from school.
Chromebook Care/Authorization for Use of Technology (AUT): All FFS classes use Chromebooks in the classroom for various learning activities. Middle School students (grades 6-8) are permitted to take their Chromebooks home with them daily. Caregivers of all FFS students (PreK-8) are required to sign the Authorization for Use of Technology form through FACTS. Students will also sign an AUT at school. No student will be able to use any school technology (Chromebooks, iPads, Mac computers, etc.) without a caregiver-signed AUT.